Virtual Entity in the Cigarette Industry, What is it? 14 February 2024, 02:44 am In understanding the legal phenomena that occur, it can be explained using the principles…
Virtual Entity Dalam Industri Rokok, Apaan tuh? 13 February 2024, 23:47 pm Dalam mengerti fenomena hukum yang terjadi, dapat dijelaskan dengan prinsip das sollen dan das…
Give me a debt, I’ll be free: How to get into debt without having an obligation to pay it back? 12 February 2024, 13:48 pm In a corporate life cycle there are 4 (four) cycles in terms of financing.…
Berilah Daku Utang, Akan Ku Kemplang: Bagaimana Cara Berhutang Tanpa Punya Kewajiban Untuk Mengembalikan? 12 February 2024, 11:53 am Dalam suatu siklus kehidupan korporasi terdapat 4 (empat) siklus dilihat dari sisi pembiayaannya. Pertama…
Back 2 Back Loan: Transactions People Are Confused. 12 February 2024, 11:03 am One time the author met an old friend who had not seen him for…
Serial Crimes of Tipijak and TPPU Committed Simultaneously, Is It Possible? 12 February 2024, 10:54 am There is a very interesting quote "There is nothing certain in this world, except…
Back 2 Back Loan: Transaksinya Orang Bingung 11 February 2024, 00:31 am Pada suatu ketika penulis bertemu sahabat lama yang sudah sangat lama tidak bertemu sejak…
Corruption Corporation of Taxation in Indonesia, What is That? 10 February 2024, 11:16 am Kata korupsi berasal dari bahasa latin corruptio atau corruptus. Corruptio memiliki arti beragam yakni…